
juckettawardpressSo here it is Thursday morning March 7th and it is the day of the BIG dinner. Do you know what is unfair? Being told 6 weeks ago or so that you have to give a speech. Do you know how many times I have “thought about” this speech. You are correct-I’ve lost track. Boy does it consume you. You want to say and do the right thing. You want people to like it and like (LOVE) you! You want it to be a good night. You don’t want to be nervous but you are and you WILL be. I must say though, this one is a little different  a little better. There is a part of me that is REALLY looking forward to this. And then there is a LITTLE (small) part of me that is worrying. Oh well, thank you God that you want me to do this. May YOU get the credit because I HATE public speaking! Give me one-on one!

So here is part of the checklist- duck tape-check. Hoodie-check. Pancakes-check. Ipad-check.

I hope to TWEET along tonight, so if you can’t make it, check the tweeter line.
