O’Brien Insurance

35 years! Wow.

I am celebrating ( and I really do mean that word ) my past 35 years in this insurance world this week. Sometime in the first week of September 1979, I started working for my dad in his office at the corner of Lawrence and Cherry Streets in Glens Falls. I remember thinking that since […]

Never Get Used To It

In my 35 years in this insurance business, there is one thing that I really HATE.  And I don’t ever like using that word, so it must be something BIG.  It is! I HATE making mistakes!  Mistakes that let my clients down, mistakes that don’t allow me to be what I promised, the BEST insurance […]

LOCAL Truth!

Now that we are into the “buying” season ( way overboard as far as I think ), you are being reminded by some great people http://www.glensfallsregion.com and /https://www.facebook.com/adirondackchamber?v=info to buy your “stuff” from your local neighbors. I’d like to suggest thinking about buying your insurance local too. Do you use a local company or agent […]

Insurance 101

    I was running late for our weekly office lunch- this week was Celia’s Table –  and as I got back to the office, the staff was eating but Kevin was talking to a young lady who was getting her first car insurance policy.  As I ate my salad, it occurred to me that one […]

You're kidding!

So I had the van this morning since it’s Wednesday and Grandpa’s taxi is transporting all three and the Riskmobile is a little too small for Lucas! And since I’m the insurance guy who breathes “safety”, I like my cars clean, especially the windows so you can see clearly. SO the van was still grimey […]